I’ve done a fair bit of posting on the blog lately about some big ideas, like envy. I’ve also uploaded a lot of podcast episodes.
But one thing I’ve not done much of since I rebranded this blog into The Blog Of Living Curiously is post about the things that I’m, well, curious about.
At least, not in a fashion that shows my progress through an interest, with the things I’ve learned and the questions they’re leading me to ask next.
Let me fix that by telling you what I’m curious about right now, and we’ll see where they take me in future blog posts!
Android: Netrunner

I’ve not yet had the chance to play it since I bought it, and I’m scouting about for people who’d be interested in giving it a whirl.
- How will playing it marry up with my memories of the original version?
- What decks can I make out of the basic set? How will they play?
- What new options would a “Data Pack” – an expansion set of sixty cards – give me?
- When can I get one of the folks who worked on the game on Skype for a Paid to Play Podcast interview?
The Foxy Lady
I’ve neglected the Foxy Lady recently. I’ve put off riding her until I can get her registered and insured, and though my being able to sit the test for a licence is still a couple of months away, I want to get that wing mirror fixed so that I can get everything else out of the way.
- How do I get the Foxy Lady’s wing mirror fixed and get her registered?
Helping People to Podcast

I’ve been thinking about starting a sideline business on and off for a while, and after talking to a few folks I decided to try turning what I’ve been doing consistently for the last year – making episodes of The Paid to Play Podcast and the Business Web Integrations Podcast – into something that could earn me some money: Helping others do the same.
I got to talking about it with Social Media Guy Jeff Rufino a few days ago, and next thing I know he’s promoting my as-yet-undefined services to a group of forward thinking local marketers! Time to get started!
- Just what have I learned?
- How can I pass that knowledge on to others, and how can I make some money doing so?
The Mystery Comic Book
Funny how things happen: After writing that post about how much I envied the folks at Penny Arcade, I re-noticed a rough draft of a comic book that a mysterious author / artist had left in KerSplatt! asking for feedback. I decided to read it through, make some notes and see what he thought.
This morning, I dropped the notes off at KerSplatt!
- Just who is the mystery author?
- How will my notes help him or her?
- Could this even be the start of a partnership?
The Slamdance Novella

Though it started out as a short story, I manged to write over 10,000 words of second draft, putting it in novella territory. It’s in its second draft right now, and I want to get it finished and published (at least as practice in shipping something).
- How quickly can I get it into alpha-reader-ready shape?
- How can I get it into the hands of paying readers?
- How quickly can I write a sequel?
Anything else?
Well, yes, there are a few things, Bu tin the midst of my recent life-fixing-up blitz, I saw an interesting article over on Scott Dinsmore’s web log about how Warren Buffett advised a friend to make a list of all the things he wanted to do, then pick the five most important from that list and then avoid everything else like the plague.
So for now, this lot will do!
Are you curious?
Just what are you curious about at the moment?