When I run a roleplaying game session, I want my players to have the information they need when they need it to use the often complex sets of rules for tabletop roleplaying games and give their alter-ego characters the best chance of succeeding when they try and change the imaginary world they’re adventuring through.
I’ve also created some notes based on my experiences setting games up online to help you get to the good stuff as quickly as possible.
ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game

System Summary Two-Sheet
Version 1.1: May 3rd, 2020
This hand-out summarises the key elements of the Year Zero Engine rules as implemented in ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game with rules for general dice rolling and getting bonuses and re-rolls on one side and combat actions and injuries on the other.
How to set Hope’s Last Day up in Roll20
A guide to turning the sample adventure in the core rulebook for ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game into a ready-to-play experience in the online virtual tabletop, Roll20.
Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game

System Summary Two-Sheet
Version 1.1: August 7th, 2018
This hand-out summarises the key elements of the FATE rules as implemented in Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game with rules for dice rolling, the four action types and outcomes for each and using FATE Points and Aspects on one side, and a summary of the rules for Challenges, Contests and Conflicts on the other.
Character Creation in Ten Minutes
Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game is intended to get you going as quickly as possible, promising having characters ready to go in ten minutes. I summarised the process and included notes on how you can complete character creation during play.
Sample Stunts by Mode and Skill
Stunts are rather frustratingly left to the player to come up with; while a few options and examples are provided, they’re scattered across the Modes, Skills and Stunts chapter and the sample characters at the back of the book.
I compiled them into a one-page list for each of the main modes in Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game – Action, Banter, Intrigue and Science – and filled each page out with applicable stunts from the FATE Core Stunts list in the Evil Hat Productions Wiki, plus a list of further stunts per skill in the book.
Brainstorming and Invention Summary
Brainstorming and Invention are two fantastic sets of rules: The first allows the players to investigate the weird occurrences the GM throws at them, find their own clues and evidence and then decide what they all add up to; the second allows them to come up with their own wonderful sets of gear to deal with the problem they’ve identified! both are summarised in this handy document.

System Summary Two-Sheet
Version 1.2: March 20th, 2017
While I’ve created rule summaries before, this was the first one where I set out intending to collect as many of the advantages that the rules gave player characters as I could in one place (I first wrote “Getting Bonuses and Rerolls” in this sheet) – if there’s one character archetype that gets ALL the bonuses, it’s the Space Marine.
This hand-out summarises the key elements of the original Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay rule set as implemented in Deathwatch, with rules for general dice rolling and getting bonuses and re-rolls on one side and combat actions and injuries on the other.
Tales From The Loop

System Summary One-Sheet
This hand-out summarises the key elements of the Year Zero Engine rules as implemented in Tales From The Loop with rules for general dice rolling, getting bonuses and re-rolls and suffering conditions on one handy sheet.