The next bit of Slamdance is up! Finally, we discover just what fell through Fred Ozcelik’s roof. Will our intrepid young mechanic survive?
Lessons Learned for Next Time
- Watch the inking, Rob! Frames one and two came out a little weak. I need to ,make sure I’ve got enough weight on the colour selection to get more of the lines in.
- The airbrushing tool comes in handy with sound effect lettering, especially when I need it behind a background.
Awesome Stuff I Can’t Wait to Try Again
- This is a composite of two separate sketches. The final panel I did as a rough on its own; I had the leaping pose in mind, but wasn’t sure if I could do it. I’m glad it came out as well as it did!
- Panel three was also a take-two of an earlier attempt at Fred looking around a corner while he had his hand on the edge.