The Offside Rule

Here’s the epilogue to the Slamdance sequence I just completed! Now the only question is: What do I do next? I’d say stop worrying and let my instincts guide me …

The True Price

And here’s the last strip of the current Slamdance series. There’s still the epilogue strip to go, but I have a couple of other strips in someone else’s sandbox ready …

Clothes In Our Lockers

So much for last strip’s promise of “the weekly bandwagon”! Also too late to claim it as a Christmas present. New Year’s? Final one for this series is done, though …

That Better Be You

The next bit of Slamdance is up! Finally, we discover just what fell through Fred Ozcelik’s roof. Will our intrepid young mechanic survive?

Gotta Be About Somethin

Two weeks of Slamdance in a row! Can I go for a third? Lots of questions to answer. Who is the cameraperson from the strip before? What is the Consortium …