I Don’t Know

How am I going to do three comic strips a week? What am I going to make more Slamdance strips about? If I can’t do three strips a week, what am I …

Shameless Maya is a Cosplayer!

Oh, sure, this style and beauty maven calls it “Makeup Transformation,” but we all know that it’s cosplay! The only thing missing is the appearances at cons… (I wonder if Maya Washington …

A Video Look-Back on 2014

Rather than write about 2014, I was seized by the urge to do a video about it (new webcam, new format, thrill of novelty, etcetera). And here it is, in …

Paring Back Down to People

You know, throughout a lot of my life, I’ve tried finding happiness through getting more stuff, reading more advice, trying to find the right way to do something instead of …