Last post, I wrote about what I’d learned in a month or two of painting miniatures again. I’m enjoying the work and the end result, and I’d like to keep going.
Much as I want to avoid doing “gunna” posts, I can’t resist blogging a bit about the things in painting that I’m getting keen on.
Deathwatch Kill-team Malleus Puritaneum

I still feel bad about calling the Deathwatch campaign to a halt. I don’t regret the decision – while it took me a while to realise it, RPGs still really aren’t my bag – but I do regret promising the lads a campaign and not delivering.
To thank them for their time and investment, I’d like to make Eric, Gav, Pierre and Will a Deathwatch Space Marine representing each of their characters. To do it right, I’ll need are some extra bits (four Deathwatch shoulder pads, a Deathwatch bolter, a heavy bolter and an Assault jetpack), some more paint (a pure red and a decent metal) and an Apothecary (Space Marine field medic) miniature.
The colour scheme itself is fairly simple, as you can see from the book cover at right: Black and silver, plus assorted detailing.
Much as I like Space Marines, I’m just not sure I dig the Warhammer 40,000 game enough to buy and make an army big enough for the game to sing (thirty to forty miniatures plus associated vehicles).
Infinity, now… I mentioned Infinity in that last post about painting miniatures, and there are two attractive things about that game.
Firstly, it’s a skirmish-scale game. This means the rules are designed to work around a squad of six to ten miniature figures (reminds me of Necromunda back in the day), including (maybe) a motorcycle or large robot suit. A starter pack of six miniatures costs around half as much as the average a triple-A video game at launch.
Secondly: While Warhammer 40,000 is science fiction, it’s got a very retro, Gothic feel to it – a grim fantasy setting of knights, orcs and elves transplanted into space. Infinity takes its inspiration from the sleek futures of anime (Japanese cartoons), and some of its miniatures are downright gorgeous.
For example, take a look at the PanOceania Cutter to the right.
Just look at it!
I’d love to put one of these together and paint it!
The PanOceania faction also has some other sweet robot designs, like the Jotums and the Dragoes, and their infantry rock the sleek battle armour thing well.
But when it comes to cool looking infantry… there’s the faction called Aleph.
Aleph take sleek to the “figure-hugging” level, which means lots of detail and flat surfaces for broad swaths of colour.

And in the subject of figure-hugging, hey, I liked Bayonetta, so let’s face it – I’m going to dig warrior women in form-fitting battle armour. Aleph seems to have them in spades.
I will say, though, Corvus Belli give fan service both ways – just check out those fine Myrmidon glutes on page 1 of the downloadable Human Sphere rule set, ladies (and some gentlemen).
Oh – did I mention that the complete rules for Infinity are available to download? Yes, there’s a quick start, but there’s also the full rules and army lists from the rulebook and supplements – not the entirety of each book, just the rules bits of it – enough, I believe for anyone to run a game after buying only a starter set.
Which, I hope, might take some of the edge off Infinity’s downside. Infinity doesn’t have the market penetration of Games Workshop’s brands, so finding other players in Cairns may be a problem.
Even so, there’s still the painting…
Are you keen?
What’s your favourite miniatures game, and why?
What faction or figure have you most wanted to paint?
Cutter image sourced from Corvus Belli catalogue page. Asura image from Justin’s Models Photobucket account.
I have recently picked up Infinity again after a couple of months’ break and I am totally digging it again. The game mechanics are a lot more frantic than the normal “you-go-I-go” game systems. I still love my 40K, but Infinity is a great diversion from the norm. So is Malifaux AND Warmahordes … the Gators …
Thanks for commenting, Adam! Glad to read you’re digging Infinity. A mate and I are taking Beasts of War’s version of the Quick Start Rules out for a spin this weekend, so just three miniatures on three.
Looks like you’re a thorough minis hobbyist! How many figures do you reckon you’ve got? Which are you most proud of, painting wise?
And how is Malifaux? I’ve been seeing it pop up a lot lately.
Quick Start rules are definitely a great place to start before getting into the intricate detail of the full blown rule set.
I am a giant toy soldier nerd and have owned and lost or sold more toysoldiers than I’ve had hot dinners! 🙂 I lost a HEAP when I had to do an emergency house move and a lot of stuff just got left behind.
It’s hard to say which I am most proud of painting wise. I paint with almost tectonic speed and also one-by-one (which makes getting an army finished a REALLY long process), but as long as I enjoy what I am doing there is satisfaction and pride taken from each model that is eventually finished.
Malifaux is a bit of a dark horse in that the game mechanics are not dice based, but built around a deck of playing cards. Also, the background is a bit of wild west, steampunk and horror so the world and the figures are really cool too! It’s definitely worth a look.
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